The Head and the Heart

You’re here, and you’re enough. Our intellect tells us to analyze ourselves, to think things through, and reason out our path through life. It wants to understand our weaknesses in order to protect us.
Following our intellect too rigidly can keep us from bravely following our hearts. At the end of the day, you are not your intellect. You are a living breathing story.
Your intellectual self is your reasoning mind, but it is not your soul; it is not who you truly are at your core. When you make peace with that, it opens your world to explore the difference between your conscious intellect and your emotional self - your heart.
People who understand the difference between head and heart can keep their intellect in check. The balance of the head and the heart is something we gravitate toward in others. The balanced person is at ease, and has confidence, humor, love and patience among many other virtuous traits. The self expressed, fully aware person knows they have flaws, wants to improve upon their circumstances, and aims to be better, but it doesn’t dominate their existence. They are enough, just the way they are, even though they are always changing.
Your intellect can’t realize this. Intelligence is not emotion, experience, or knowledge. Your intellect is a mechanism, but your life is a story. The story is the emotion, experience, and knowledge of your life. The story tells you where you’ve been, where you’re going, and where your scars come from.
Your intellect will take you through life safely, keep you from touching fire, and keep you from falling in love. But don’t let intellect dominate your life. Your intellect can protect you, but your heart can show you incredible things. Your heart sets you free to face challenges with courage, and enjoy a life of love and growth. Let your heart lead the way and see where it takes you.