The Purity of Presence

Deep, intentional, meditative breathing has lasting positive effects. Physically, the saturation of your blood with oxygen allows the body to purify as carbon dioxide exits your body.
Mentally focusing on your breathing has the simple but powerful effect of forcing you to think of nothing else. If you’re thinking about breathing, you’re focusing inward, slowing down, and taking notice of the sensations that flow through your physical self.
Your pure presence in the moment will humble you and bring you to a place of reconciliation. There is no inner conflict, there is nothing greater to accomplish or become. Feeling contentment and true satisfaction with yourself is where healing happens.
Inner conflict, stress, and anxiety are all aspects of your conscious self. Occupy that conscious self with something else, and experience life without burden. When you do this regularly, you will give your mind more physical memory of living without these negative feelings, and it will help you navigate toward them in your conscious life.