The Divine Nature of Being

Our bodies are a collective of smaller things that come together to form something greater. Atoms form molecules, molecules form proteins and cells and neurons, and somewhere in there, magic happens. Consciousness lives. You become you. There is a constant in our universe in that regard. Small pieces come together to make something incredible happen.
Your thoughts and dreams and feelings are the result of these tiny combinations forming something greater than the sum of their parts. People form societies, movements, religions. Rebellions make history, and change lives for millions, just as stars form galaxies, we are greater than the sum of our parts, and every part matters.
One tiny flaw in an otherwise healthy ecosystem can change the destiny of that ecosystem. Remove a food source at the bottom of the food chain, an entire forest can die. Meditate on how you are one of billions of humans, but you are also a collective of billions of living things. Take joy in the scale of life, and your place in it as a divine human being.