Coexistence over Conquest

There are tribes living on this earth that are still untouched by modern civilization. Deep in the Amazon there are tribes of indigenous people that have only been observed from the sky or met with hostility on the ground.
Many of these tribes do not possess the awe-struck wonder at the “modern man” when approached by outsiders. There’s so much that they don’t know, but in their detached ecosystem, they have enough. They are satisfied.
Wolves have packs, birds have flocks, and humans have tribes - because this tribal way of life works well. In fact that’s how we lived for hundreds of thousands of years as humans with our exact genetic makeup before “civilization as we know it” started to form 10,000 years ago.
There’s something remarkable about being content with existence within one’s own tribe. In our families often we cooperate like tribes - we want to grow in love and in memories with one another, take care of each other, respect our elders but consider each other equals - and we aren’t striving for something external - in fact, we’re hostile toward anything perceived as an outside threat to our families, just like these untouched tribes of the Amazon.
But this mentality doesn’t carry over into our work and our social lives. We are often pitted against one another and work to excel through unhealthy competition and rivalry, rather than working together in a brotherhood and partnership.
We can compete without being rivals, and we can succeed without others failing. The goal is not to conquer, but to coexist.
Many of these tribes do not possess the awe-struck wonder at the “modern man” when approached by outsiders. There’s so much that they don’t know, but in their detached ecosystem, they have enough. They are satisfied.
Wolves have packs, birds have flocks, and humans have tribes - because this tribal way of life works well. In fact that’s how we lived for hundreds of thousands of years as humans with our exact genetic makeup before “civilization as we know it” started to form 10,000 years ago.
There’s something remarkable about being content with existence within one’s own tribe. In our families often we cooperate like tribes - we want to grow in love and in memories with one another, take care of each other, respect our elders but consider each other equals - and we aren’t striving for something external - in fact, we’re hostile toward anything perceived as an outside threat to our families, just like these untouched tribes of the Amazon.
But this mentality doesn’t carry over into our work and our social lives. We are often pitted against one another and work to excel through unhealthy competition and rivalry, rather than working together in a brotherhood and partnership.
We can compete without being rivals, and we can succeed without others failing. The goal is not to conquer, but to coexist.